Sunday, 22 July 2018

Lightweight security protocol for chipless RFID in Internet of Things (IoT) applications

The RFID based communication between objects within the framework of IoT is potentially very efficient in terms of power requirements and system complexity. The new design incorporating the emerging chipless RFID tags has the potential to make the system more efficient and simple. However, these systems are prone to privacy and security risks and these challenges associated with such systems have not been addressed appropriately in the broader IoT framework. In this context, a lightweight collision free algorithm based on n-bit pseudo random number generator, X-OR hash function, and rotations for chipless RFID system is presented. The algorithm has been implemented on an 8-bit open-loop resonator based chipless RFID tag based system and is validated using BASYS 2 FPGA board based platform. The proposed scheme has been shown to possess security against various attacks such as Denial of Service (DoS), tag/reader anonymity, and tag impersonation.

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Chipless RFID tag based on open-loop resonator

A novel RFID tag employing open-loop resonators is presented in this paper. The resonators have been synthesized using coupled microstrip transmission line. The complete design consists of open-loop resonators based tag, and cross polarized circular patch antenna for transmitting and receiving purpose. The design of 8-bit data encoded tag and the antennas have been prototyped on Rogers 5880 substrate having dielectric constant of 2.2 and loss tangent of 0.0009 for the frequency band between 3.3 GHz and 5.8 GHz. The measured results show a very good performance in the detection of all the 8 bits.

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Saturday, 22 April 2017

Smith Chart using MATLAB

The Smith Chart is the graphical tool for solving the problems with transmission line in RF engineering. The Smith chart can be used to display different parameters like Impedance, Admittance, Reflection coefficient, Noise figure Circles, Stability etc.
The Smith Chart is plotted on complex reflection coefficient plane in two dimension. It is scaled in normalized impedance/ admittance. Smith chart can be divided in sub categories like Z smith chart, Y smith chart, ZY smith chart.

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Thursday, 7 July 2016

Statistical Analysis for Read Access Time for SRAM for Optimizing Yield and Read Performance


SRAM occupies more than 50% of die area in high-Performance SoCs. Device variations in advanced technology Nodes limit SRAM cell performance and yield. Maximum read Time defines performance yield limited yield for SRAMs. In this Work, we estimate the sensitivity of reading time of a 6T SRAM cell to Variations in different devices through Design of Experiments (Doe) method. We evaluate multiple read time models and Estimate variations in yield forgiving read time specification.

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Monday, 4 July 2016

Making a Versatile Calculator Using MATLAB GUI Programming

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Bit Error Ratio (BER) Curve for 8-PSK (Phase Shift Keying) for Rayleigh & AWGN Channel



Low Noise Amplifiers (LNA) are key components in the receiving end of nearly every communication system. Primary purpose of the LNA is to amplify the received signal while at the same time adding as little additional noise as possible. Its performance greatly affects the overall receiver performance. This thesis discusses design of narrow band low noise amplifiers for Ku band applications. The target of this thesis is to design a LNA at 17 GHz for Ku Band. It also addresses some of the main aspects of microwave LNA design for use in the Ku frequency band. Through evaluation of the published literature on the LNA designing, a circuit topology has been selected, explored and redesigned. The tradeoffs related to input and output mis-match, bandwidth and gain has been explored and discussed. Finally, LNA has been designed in 0.09 um CMOS process using Agilent’s ADS having off-chip and on-chip inductors.On-chip inductor technique reduces the contribution of spectral noise current due to inductor series resistance and provides a good matching at the LNA input and output. After resonance frequency inductor starts behaving like a capacitor. By the help of on-chip inductor, resonance frequency can be controlled. As this design includes on-chip rectangular spiral inductors, the design, and modeling of on-chip inductors have been discussed briefly.
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